It is harder than i thought to take the time to write. I need to figure out a way to make it into a weekly task. I definitely will work on it because i really want everyone to stay updated.
Somehow time flies by so fast, I honestly don't know how its possible that i have been in South Africa for almost 4 months already. Crazy how that happens!
Last post I wrote about my job and what i am doing here in Cape Town. Most of it will stay the same but because it is the beginning of the year here in South Africa a lot will change. We are no longer in camp mode, now that we can start from the new year we are looking to kick off with power!
So while it is snowing in Israel and probably as cold in America it is summer here! So beautiful, sunny, hot summer! School ended in December and right away Cape Town turned into vacation mode. Cape Town becomes packed with Jews in December-January because everyone from Joburg comes down to spend there "holiday"in the beautiful city!!
December 5th was camp departure day. It was crazy finally packing my trummel (kind of like what they pack in in Harry potter- is what i lived out of for a month) and getting onto the bus after so much preparation. The feeling of arriving at the camp site, which is located 6 hours outside of Cape Town in Mossel Bay was worth it, I finally felt so accomplished after so many months of hard work!
The preparation for camp was hard and tiring but very worth it. Camp was an unbelievable experience. After all the build up that we had before we left for camp, school visits, camp launches, and just so many activities in order to get kids to come, the feeling of stepping foot on the camp site was so fulfilling.
I truly believe that it is the quality and not the quantity, and this camp had so much quality. In Cape Town everyone is always worried about numbers, that not enough people are coming to events but I think that even if 10 kids show up to an event, those are the kids who want to be there and will make it worth every second.
Camp was amazing, I was a madricha ( counselor) for the oldest grade, going into 12th. 17-18 year old kids. I was a little nervous in the beginning because most of their counselors have been with them for years and then I just come in and join their last camp.
I was wrong. It was so amazing to be there and experience camp with them! In 3 weeks i got to know 80 kids, their stories, talk, chat, argue and just enjoy hanging out with them. Most of the time I forgot that I was a counselor and just felt like a friend.
Camp reminded me a bit of Shoresh, non religious kids crying while they sing Shema Yisroel, craving new ideas about Judaism and just loving the fact that they are Jewish and can be proud of it!
The most amazing part of it all was the last night these kids new how to come and say thank you for impacting their lives, changing there camp experience, thanking me for being there with them. Was one of the most fulfilling 3 weeks of my life! I loved every second, barely slept, didn't stop moving but has the best time!
Now that camp is over we have a lot to do. It is going to be hard to get back into routine but I am excited and motivated to start the new year.
Our goal is to make Bnei Akiva into an active youth movement here in Cape Town, activities every Shabbat, once a month on a Sunday and a Friday night meal once a month as well.
We want to get as many people involved as we can.
We have a good team! The Older kids want to work hard to make it happen so i am excited to begin the process!
Hopefully i will keep updating weekly.
I miss everyone so much, sometimes it is hard to be away but i am having an amazing time, meeting unbelievable people along the way and really just loving the experience! The challenges are what makes it all worth it.